How To Get Your 8610-2 Form
How To Get Your 8610-2 Form with at Local FSDO to convert your Military Aircraft Mechanic experience for Airframe and Powerplant Certificate
For Aircraft Mechanic Military Transition Program
Six Week Military Transition Program
This is an accelerated program for those that have a SIGNED 8610-10 that allows them to test out for their Airframe and Powerplant- 3 Weeks Online
- Test Prep for Written Exams
- Generals, Airframe, and Powerplant
- The Academy has on-sight testing through PSI
- 3 Weeks In-Person
- Focus on Missed Questions on Written Exam
- Hands on Training for Powerplant and Airframe Practical Exam
How To Get Your 8610-2

- Step 1: Using the attached FAA Military Occupational Specialty code PDF find your MOS, then look at the creditable experience column, then check the applicable box under mechanic.
- Step 2: Fill our your information
- Step 3: Enter your branch, Rank, and MOS code(s). If you happen to do JSAMTCC while in and have a certificate number, fill out line B4 as well.
- Step 4: Start with your basic MOS school (AIT, Pensacola, etc.) and any additional training you did elsewhere, then your unit specific work. If you can't fit it all in 3 boxes, make a Microsoft word document with the overflow. Be sure to add any specific billets you held, or training courses you did.
- Step 5: Sign
- Step 6: Print out 2 copies, and bring to your nearest FSDO office. They will evaluate your experience, then sign. Locator link: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo
- Step 7: Email signed 8610-2 to your admissions rep.